Juliana Lee Team

JLee Realty
4260 El Camino Real
Palo Alto CA 94306

dre: 02103053


JLee Realty Homes For Sale

Opendoor iBuyer – FTC: cheating is not innovation

The Federal Trade Commission has ordered Opendoor to pay $62M to stop deceiving consumers about its Service. Opendoor has agreed to the proposed order.

An FTC press release says “the vast majority of consumers who sold to Opendoor actually lost thousands of dollars compared with selling on the traditional market, because the company’s offers have been below market value on average and its costs have been higher than what consumers typically pay when using a traditional realtor.” Read more at “Opendoor iBuyer – nothing innovative about cheating“.

If you are selling your home, probably the question of most concern is “how much is my home worth?” Precisely because of the importance of this question to you, the Juliana Lee Team at JLee Realty has been providing extensive real estate statistics for decades on julianalee.com.

Although almost every home buyer wants to own a home that is special to them, looking at past sales can help guide your decisions and set your expectations.

Looking at the Sunnyvale average home sales price and the Sunnyvale median home sales price provides only a very rough estimate without knowing more about the average Sunnyvale home size and the average Sunnyvale lot size. The quickest estimate of your Sunnyvale home’s value is to look at the Sunnyvale home sales price per square foot and multiply by your home’s size. Looking at the many graphs available will help you see Sunnyvale real estate trends so that you can make informed decisions.